(from f/c EP "Onwards to the Wall", out February 7th)
(available as a free download)
Kādu laiciņu nekas nebija dzirdēts no melodiskās Ņujorkas noise-rock apvienības A Place To Bury Strangers, kas iekrita AMGmusic sirdī ar teicamo 2009.gada albumu „Exploding Head”. Grupas vēsture gan ir krietni garāka. Radusies pagājušās desmitgades sākumā, A Place To Bury Strangers salīdzinoši ātri izpelnījās „skaļākās jaunās grupas Ņujorkā” statusu, 2007.gadā izdodot debijas albumu „A Place To Bury Strangers” un iesildot vienus no saviem elkiem – The Jesus and Mary Chain.
Vēlāk sekoja tūres kopā ar tādām zināmām grupām kā MGMT, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club un pat Nine Inch Nails, kas nozīmēja jau pavisam izkarotu vietu savā lauciņā, pēc kā arī sekoja minētais 2009.gada albums „Exploding Head”. Interesanti, ka, lai arī A Place To Bury Strangers pamatā ir noise-rock/shoegaze apvienība, grupas daiļradē sprauktin spraucas ārā post-punk ietekmes, kas jo īpaši dzirdamas šajā apvienības jaunākajā darbā. Maršējošais un joprojām baudāmi skaļais „So Far Away” ir pirmais singls no 7.februārī gaidāmā Bruklinas trijotnes EP „Onwards To The Wall”.
Die Antwoord - "Fok Julle Naaiers" [Zef Recordz]
(from f/c LP "Ten$ion", out in 2012)
DJ Kaos - "From Inside" [DFA]
(to be released as a digital single on November 21st)
Drake feat. Rick Ross - "Lord Knows" [Young Money]
(from f/c LP "Take Care", out November 14th)
Intergalactic Lovers - "Delay" [EMI]
(from LP "Greetings & Salutations", out now)
Keepaway - "Cake" [Greedhead]
(from f/c LP "Black Flute", out in January 2012)
Modeselektor feat. Thom Yorke - "Shipwreck" [Monkeytown]
(released as a digital single on November 8th)
Porcelain Raft - "Put Me to Sleep" [Secretly Canadian]
(from f/c LP "Strange Weekend", out January 23rd)
Sepalcure - "Pencil Pimp" [Hotflush]
(from LP "Sepalcure", out now)
Tennis - "Origins" [Forest Family]
(to be released as a 7" vinyl on December 6th)
U.S. Girls - "The Island Song" [Kraak]
(released as a 7" vinyl on November 7th)
Water Borders - "What Wiwant" [Tri Angle]
(from LP "Harbored Mantras", out now)
(available as a free download)
Amy Winehouse feat. Nas - "Like Smoke" [Island]
(from f/c LP "Lioness: Hidden Treasures", out December 5th)
DAMNDOGS - Cocaine [self-released]
(from EP "Strange Behaviour", out now)
(available as a free download)
First Aid Kit - "The Lion's Roar" [Wichita]
(released as a digital single on November 7th)
Girls - "Lawrence" [True Panther]
(released as a 7" vinyl on November 28th)
Lindstrom - "De Javu" [Smalltown Supersound]
(from f/c LP "Six Cups of Rebel", out February 6th)
The Antlers - "VCR (the xx Cover)" [Frenchkiss]
(from f/c EP "(together)", out November 21st)
(available as a free download)